Amos Burkey will join us in studio to talk about the powerful tool of hypnotherapy in working on self-development, amongst many other individual goals.
March 6, 2010
Podcast/Show Archive: Hour 1 – Hour 2 – Hour 3 – Hour 4
About Amos Burkey:
Hello, I am Amos, the founder of Peak Hypnosis. Here is the page where you get to know more about me This sharing of experiences and interests is the foundation for future choices. Navigating the path of personal growth and improvement can be quite a journey. Having a guide that you can relate to and trust is essential to attaining your goals. I have provided this information to help you decide if Peak Hypnosis is right for you.
My Education
I began my post-secondary education studying engineering. I soon discovered that this was not
to be the path that I navigated life on. I then began a self guided program of self-improvement
that included hypnosis. After many years of study and searching, I came to the realization that
formal training in hypnosis would allow me to become a much stronger resource to my
community. After researching the many schools, I chose the strong, comprehensive program at
the Denver School of Hypnotherapy. Today, I still continue my journey of growth and
development by pursuing a diverse array of knowledge and skills.
Other Interests
Enjoying the outdoors is important to me. Whether in a city or in a remote destination, I appreciate the beauty and the challenges that reside in our environment. A few of the activities
that I enjoy outside are: cycling, running, hiking, and sailing.
Another area of interest is food. I enjoy cooking, eating, and sharing the food experience with
others. This includes exploring new tastes as well as cherishing old favorites. I have
experienced many eating philosophies. This has helped me to understand the effect of different
foods upon the body and the mind.
I also have an interest in alternative energies. I follow the advances that are made and decide which technologies allow me to reach Peak performance while becoming more efficient. I
know that just like self-improvement, energy improvement requires a multi-faceted approach
which applies all applicable technologies.
Now that you know more about me, I look forward to knowing more about you as well. Feel
free to contact me with any questions or comments that you may have.
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