May 30, 2015 – Archives/Pod Casts Hour 1 – Hour 2 – Hour 3
Hour 1: OPEN DISCUSSION on America’s ‘Gotcha’ Attitude
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Do you ever wonder what you’re signing when you check the “I Agree” box that is customary on any terms of agreement? You know, those pages of fine print you don’t have time to read, wouldn’t understand even if you did read them, and must sign in order to proceed? If you’re like most, checking that box leaves you feeling like you’ve just agreed to something not in your best interests — and guess what, it probably isn’t!
According to Tess Wilkinson-Ryan of the University of Pennsylvania Law School, “The moral and social norms that bear on contracts of adhesion suggest a deep ambivalence. Contracts are perceived as serious moral obligations, and yet they must be taken lightly or everyday commerce would be impossible.”
But it’s not only the fine print that “gets you.” Look around and everywhere it seems “the game” is stacked against you. Credit card fees, charges for depositing your money in a banking institution, IRAs, 401k’s, speed limits and traps, insurance company loopholes, extended warranties…the list goes on and on.
Have you recently purchased a new appliance or vehicle? What about all those extra hidden fees that weren’t part of the original negotiated price tag or those extended warranties that are basically worthless (costing usually more than they’re worth, not covering many repairs, and generally overlapping the manufacturer’s original warranty)? Gotcha!
Join Barb and John as they discuss the stressful and oftentimes paralyzing effects of living in a “gotcha” society.
Hour 2: Khartika Goe
Joining Amerika Now during the second hour is author Khartika Goe, who will be discussing her book, The Multidimensional Traveler: Finding Togetherness.”
What does it mean to be a multidimensional traveler? In Khartika Goe’s new book, she offers a compilation of real-life stories and one of the most comprehensive accounts published of a person moving through time, space and the Universe. The philosophy behind the book offers multidimensional wisdom through togetherness, raising humanity’s understanding, enhancing spiritual and subtle energy awareness, and ultimately informing everyone of their own true energetic potential.
Beyond describing her own experiences, Khartika will also offer the tools and wisdom necessary to achieve and benefit from the experiences beyond the limitations of our bodies. Her own stories can serve as a template for others to draw upon to realize their own multidimensional experiences and assist in identifying the nature of their travels and encounters with beings in various dimensions.
Learn how to discover multidimensional abilities and use them to their greatest potential; connect with the force of togetherness to attain true knowledge of the Universe; embark on amazing multidimensional ventures with the assistance of end-of-chapter instructional guides; and learn the true story of planet Earth.
Khartika Goe is a graduate of UCLA and Columbia Universities, with a rigorous academic background into writing about the unknown and the mysteries of the Universe. She has traveled extensively throughout the world and has been successful in capturing other-dimensional beings and planes of existence on film. Her groundbreaking article, Adventures in Alternative Realities, was published in 16 languages in more than 30 countries by Nexus magazine.
Goe is an independent psychologist specifically devoted to assisting children and the elderly.
For more information, visit
Hour 3: Dr. Elizabeth Carman
Pre-birth awareness educator and researcher Dr. Elizabeth Carman joins the show during the final hour to discuss Cosmic Cradle: Spiritual Dimensions of Life Before Birth.
Did you choose your parents and your life before taking birth? Does reincarnation really exist? Is there a pre-birth state of consciousness? According to Drs. Elizabeth and Neil Carman, most of us forget our passage to birth and our status as sparks of cosmic consciousness. Events leading up to our birth are not random, accidental processes. Our birth is triggered by our very own desires.
Cosmis Cradle: Spiritual Dimensions of Life Before Birth traces our journey from the heavenly world to birth via pre-birth memories and communications. Dr. Carman will discuss more than 45-years’ worth of research and firsthand accounts, historical data, and compelling stories from those who recall pre-birth memories and experience soul communication from the womb and beyond.
Dr. Carman will also discuss:
–Over 100, real-life, pre-birth memories /stories reported directly from children and their mothers.
–The fascinating parallels they found from diverse cultural perspectives.
–Stories of mothers who communicate with the souls of their children prior to their birth.
–Unprecedented evidence pointing towards the immortality of the soul.
Dr. Elizabeth Carman is a pre-birth awareness educator and a former community service person who worked with low-income families, adoption, and foster care. Elizabeth received a BA in psychology, an MA in interdisciplinary studies, and an honorary PhD for her pre-birth research published in an initial book, Cosmic Cradle: Souls Waiting in the Wings for Birth (2000). Elizabeth has spent more than forty years researching consciousness, including long-term inner development courses in North America, Europe, and Asia. She has taught meditation workshops and served on university faculty.
For more information, visit
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