May 5, 2012 Show Archives/Pod Casts Hour 1 – Hour 2 – Hour 3
Hour 1: Erik Giles
Joining Amerika Now during the first hour is mathematician and fraud strategist, Erik Giles, discussing hard evidence pointing to patterns that link the past to a “Doomsday” future in his book, Antichrist Code Broken: The Apollyon Intercepts.
There’s been a lot of talk about the Mayan Long Calendar and what its end on December 21st may portend for the world, but are you aware of the equally ancient Prophecy of the Popes and the Book of Revelation? All three prophecies are converging in their end stages, says fraud strategist Giles, and when he digs through the numbers, he finds a disturbing pattern.
“We have the end of the Mayan calendar; the Prophecy of the Popes, which predicts the destruction of Rome after 112 popes – Pope Benedict is 111; and Revelation 9:11, which is a reference to the Sept. 11 terror attacks,” says Giles, whose specialty is reviewing thousands of numbers to spot patterns indicating fraud. “Furthermore, all three of these prophecies, which are winding down simultaneously, can be connected on the map across the globe.”
Never a religious man, he says he turned his skills to the prophecies out of curiosity and was surprised by what he found. He spells out patterns of evidence that the world is approaching an end of some sort in his book Antichrist Code Broken: The Apollyon Intercepts.
“I’m not the kind of guy who walks around with a sign saying ‘the world is ending,’ ’’ Giles says. “I’m a mathematician who believes in the truth of numbers and I found too many correlating patterns to dismiss as coincidence. I won’t say the world is ending on December 21st, but I will say time is running out on three connected prophecies, from three very different sources, and with a track record of accuracy.”
Erik Giles has spent his career as a fraud analyst specializing in preventing identity theft. He has a unique skill set when it comes to pattern recognition, analyzing data, and creating rules for it. Erik graduated from Penn State with a Bachelor’s in Telecommunications and from Case Western Reserve University with an MBA.
For more information on Erik Giles and his book, please visit the website
Hours 2 and 3: Scott Alan Roberts
Joining the show during hours 2 and 3 is Scott Alan Roberts to discuss his research and recent book, The Rise and Fall of the Nephilim.
What if the old spiritualities and religions weren’t just legends? What if there was something living and breathing beneath the surface, a tangible interlinking of theology and spirituality, science and myth, inter-dimensionality and cold, hard fact?
The ancient books of Genesis and Enoch tell us that spirit beings known as the “Watchers” descended to the Earth and had sex with the locals thereby creating a hybrid race of offspring known as the Nephilim. Such tales are as old as humanity itself. A serious piece of history, these accounts of visitations and subsequent mixed-blood alien-human races have been derived from a body of substantive information via mythology, legend, and religion. Roberts’ research and new book undeniably connect today’s world of extraterrestrials (ETs) and UFOs with ancient texts, folklore, and religious writings.
The Nephilim walked among us…and still do today!
Scott Alan Roberts is the Founder and Publisher of Intrepid Magazine, a journal dedicated to politics, science, and unexplained phenomena. He is a radio show host, popular public speaker, and stand-up philosopher. He has been interviewed on scores of radio programs and was editor-in-chief of SyFy’s Ghost Hunters magazine, TAPS paraMag. Scott attended Bible college and theological seminary, working toward his Master’s in Divinity, but left for a 33-year career in advertising and publishing as an art and creative director, designer, illustrator, photographer, and writer.
Scott and Intrepid Magazine are also co-hosting the upcoming Paradigm Symposium on October 18-21, 2012, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, where he will also be a featured speaker.
For more information on Scott Alan Roberts and his works, please visit and
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