April 17, 2010 Podcast/Show Archive Hour 1 – Hour 2 – Hour 3 – Hour 4
Our guest for Saturday, April 17th, is Neil Arnold, full-time monster hunter and writer, from Kent, United Kingdom. Neil has written extensively on large, exotic cats in the wild in the British Isles as well as many cases here in the United States. He runs Kent Big Cat Research, and is the author of Monster! The A-Z of Zooform Phenomena and Mystery Animals of the British Isles: Kent as well as the forthcoming books Paranormal London, Paranormal Kent, and Mystery Animals of the British Isles: London. Neil is well versed in Bigfoot, Yeti, phantom hellhounds, the Jersey Devil, Mothman, Chupacabras, and other “zooforms.” His research includes obscure monsters around the world, and he writes for many newspapers. Neil belongs to the world’s largest mystery animal monster research center in the world, The Centre for Fortean Zoology. His websites are www.beastsoflondon.blogspot.com and www.zooform.blogspot.com.
Neil’s interest in monsters began at the early age of 9, when he watched the movie The Legend of Boggy Creek and read Carey Miller’s book, A Dictionary of Monsters and Mysterious Beasts.
He was featured recently on Coast to Coast radio with George Noory and was also interviewed on The Today Show
Neil joins Amerika Now for the entire show.
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