Hour 1 – Barb Adams and John Higgins, Pandemic Pandemonium (Pt. 1)
Hour 2 – Barb Adams and John Higgins, Pandemic Pandemonium (Pt. 2)

This week, as the CDC announced that it’s critical we get it right this Summer in the fight against COVID-19 to ward off a potentially deadlier resurgence this Fall, 32 states began reopening while flying blind in the midst of the pandemic. On Friday, just one day after beginning its first phase of reopening, Texas reported its highest daily number of COVID-19 deaths.
Health experts continue to warn that COVID-19 will last at least 2 more years and that we need to prevent a second deadly wave of COVID-19, however, the U.S. is nowhere near where we need to be in terms of testing and contact tracing. While the number of coronavirus tests picked up this past week, we are far from the 3-4 million tests needed at the bare minimum.
Meanwhile, the Trump administration continues to state that a vaccine will be available “for widespread use” by January. While the idea is tantalizing, the truth of the matter is that even if a vaccine is successful, it could be at least a year away from widespread use, if that soon. Now is not the time to be creating “miracle drugs” at (Operation) Warp Speed and cutting corners on safety.
There was a glimmer of hope this week, however, regarding Remdesivir, as the FDA approved its emergency use in the treatment of hospitalized patients with severe complications due to CV-19.
Pandemic pandemonium continues, though, as Americans continue to be confused with all the mixed messages they’re receiving from officials. We’re reopening the states!…but wear masks and continue social distancing and for those with health issues or are older, definitely stay home! Safe at home is now safer at home! And Trump continues to say everything’s under control and anyone can get a test, but in reality, it’s a free fall and basically no one can easily get a test. Worse yet, our president continues to urge armed rebellion against a number of “his” own states!
JOIN Barb and John as they discuss Pandemic Pandemonium.
Ken Goldstein comments each hour on How CEOs Get Strategy All Wrong.
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