A frank discussion of past STAGED terrorist events, false-flag events, created to drive the populous into a accepting an imposed state of war. Is there another event, far larger than 9/11, being planned to satisfy the Israeli need for war with Iran? Would they take out portions of DC just to ‘justify’ a policy of “No Recourse But War?”
The next date: 11/11/2009, 11+11+2+0+0+9=33?
The secret societies have been with us since the beginning of this civilization thousands of years ago. But what principles were they founded upon? We take a look at the Principles of Ma’at as a basis for a new age of governance as we can all agree that what presently constitutes our ‘moral code’ has failed us as a society completely.
Podcast/Show Archive Hour 1 – Hour 2 – Hour 3 – Hour 4
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