20 January 2010
Jeffrey Grupp M.A. (Eastern Philosophy & Quantum Mechanics)
Podcast/Show Archive: Hour 1 – Hour 2 – Hour 3 – Hour 4

Born in Michigan in 1970. Currently reside in West Lafayette, IN. Former teacher (college), teaching philosophy (specifically: Eastern philosophy, ethics, metaphysics, and Buddhism). Married. Ardent Second Amendment activist. Political activist. Metaphysician. Religion: Buddhist. Political party: Constitution Party (formerly Libertarian). Music preference: Baroque. Art preference: Dadaism and street art. Reading preferences: metaphysics, philosophy, political, firearms. Main interests: metaphysical practices, guns, political activism, meditation. If you want to see a resume from my ‘other life’ (which gradually ended but came totally to a halt in 2009), back from when I was a college teacher, here is my CV (resume): Grupp academic resume.
Jeffrey has his own radio program on blogtalkradio titled> “The Antimatter Radio show”, check it out!
We are going to talk on a range of topics tonight and invite our listeners to call in and participate in the discussion.
Topics on the table tonight include but are not limited to: Planet-X, why the secrecy behind 9-11, the Hollow Earth theory, Illuminati control of the world as foretold by Plato’s Republic, UFO research, the Vatican, the Nephilim/Anunnaki, herbalism and plant healing, weather warfare, HAARP, 2012, human origins and the like.
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