Amerika Now Guests for Saturday 8th 2009: Lisa Lillemoen 9-11pm Central time.
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Integrated Kabbalistic Healing and Awakening Consciousness Classes
Lisa Lillemoen, BS, IKH
Integrated Kabbalistic Healing is an extraordinary healing modality that integrates thirteenth century Kabbalistic wisdom, theories of non-duality, quantum physics, and psychology. Founded by Jason Shulman, www.kabbalah.org, IKH is a deeply integrated non-dual approach that works at the level of reality where life patterns are created. The healing process assists the client to return to the essential authentic self. The creative ground of the essential self organically expresses the simplicity of what is real. It allows all things to exist as they are. Yet for the most part we have forgotten our connection and relationship to the essential self instead living our life from the dual mind, which is an expression of the psychological term called the Ego or small self. The dual mind sees the world in opposites and absolutes creating conflict, limitation or false safety.
IKH offers a process to remember who you are on an authentic level. Clients have seen results with personal and professional growth, life transitions such as divorce, marriage, illness, addictions and recovery, job changes, and healing of childhood trauma. The focus of a session is not on problem solving per say but on the return and awakening of the essential self, resulting in intimate relationship to reality and life fulfillment.
Lisa also teaches Awakening Consciousness classes, which gives individuals conceptual wisdom, tools, practices, and personal experience to full brain functioning, intelligence of the heart, and mind-body spirit solutions to integrated well-being. Her upcoming classes for the fall 2009 are The Magi Process, The Future Self and Relationships, and a Kabbalah Study Group Series.
Lisa is working on a new project to bring mind body education to businesses and education. She is also in the process of writing a book.
Lisa Lillemoen has over 20 years in holistic health, psychology, spirituality, research, and education. She founded and taught seven years an Awakening Consciousness and Meditation class at Macalester College in St Paul, MN. She currently teaches at wellness centers, conferences, and university campuses. Her offices are in Apple Valley, MN, and Berkeley, CA. In person or telephone sessions are available. For contact information visit her website at www.lisalillemoen.com
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