February 15, 2014 – Archives/Pod Casts Hour 1 – Hour 2 – Hour 3
Hour 1: Linda M. Potter
Joining Amerika Now during the first hour is the “Erma Bombeck of Spirituality” Linda M. Potter, who will be discussing her book, If Only God Would Give Me a Sign.
As we set out in search of spiritual guidance, the signs are everywhere – transforming life itself from the mundane to the divine. They’re all around to encourage, confirm, instruct, and direct us. In a divine effort to wake up the soul, signs often appear exquisitely tailored to the attention of each unique person. What catches your eye or ear or floods your emotions might not even be noticed by another person.
What about the Speed Limit sign? Are you setting your own limits in a world of unlimited possibilities? There are no shortages of signs for those who pay attention, live life with an open heart, and read the signs along the way with a sense of humor. If you’re ready to lighten up a little about spiritual enlightenment, Linda’s ready to share her unique blend of cosmic humor blended with her clear sense of interpretation about the signs we’re given in life. Spirit is in and throughout all things. You have been led, you are led, and you will always be led–just follow the signs! And once you start noticing the signs, they’re everywhere!
If Only God Would Give Me a Sign serves as a guide to enlightenment and as a fun “how to” on interpreting the signs, from the absolutely absurd to the most mundane. Linda’s comedic insights are offered in her quirky, yet grounded, messages on life’s meaning and the signs that offer responses to life’s challenges. Linda knows from personal and professional experience what people need to hear to relate and laugh from deep inside.
Linda Potter, the “Erma Bombeck of Spirituality,” is a successful writer, editor, popular speaker, workshop facilitator, and licensed spiritual counselor. She holds a BA in Speech and Theatre and an MA in Theatre.
Linda’s professional resume reads like a Wikipedia entry for Attention Deficit Disorder. She’s had more jobs than hair colors and filled out more career aptitude forms than tax returns, yet her brand of inspired, light-hearted humor is exactly what the doctor ordered for today’s times.
LInda is the Editor-in-Chief of BellaSpark magazine. She writes both a regular column (If Only God Would Give Me a Sign) and does a feature interview for each issue. She was one of the featured speakers in BellaSpark Productions’ 2013 Speaker Series, Enlighten UP. She’s also featured in Seek the Lover Within: Lessons from 50 Spiritual Leaders by Tuula Fai.
Through BellaSpark magazine and BellaSpark Productions, Linda has interviewed and worked with dozens of “spiritual self-help” leaders including Shirley MacLaine, Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Jack Canfield, Alan Cohen, Gregg Braden, Dr. Joe Dispenza, and many others.
For more information, visit www.lindampotter.com.
Hour 2: James Mace
Life-long scholar of Ancient Rome James Mace joins the show during the second hour to discuss his latest best-selling novel, Soldier of Rome – The Last Campaign and whether the U.S. is following in the Roman Empire’s tragic footsteps.
We’ve all heard it often enough in recent years: “The U.S. is going the way of the Roman Empire,” which essentially bankrupted itself in the 5th century. But are we?
Mace says, “The wonderful thing about studying history is that we can identify and understand our ancestors’ mistakes and avoid making the same ones.”
Mace has spent decades studying Ancient Rome, with the result being a series of best-selling historical novels entitled Soldier of Rome – The Artorian Chronicles (www.legionarybooks.net). His latest book is Soldier of Rome – The Last Campaign.
“In some ways, yes, there are similarities between our society and ancient Rome,” says Mace. “Superpowers all go through the same evolutionary cycles – monarchy to republic to empire. Britain did; Rome did. And the United States now parallels the Roman Republic in many ways, just before Julius Caesar, the dictator whose rise to power corresponded with the downfall of the Roman Republic. The similarities between Rome and the United States are sometimes troubling.”
“Congress has a 10 percent approval rating and a 90 percent re-election rates. What does that say about public political apathy?” he asks. “We have people who turn to politics to get rich, and we have expensive campaigns funded by special interests. Those qualities were also characteristic of ancient Rome. But there are differences, too,” says Mace. “Roman senators came directly from the patrician class and were not elected by the masses. Interestingly enough, there was a trump card the people could play, and that was the Plebian Tribunes, who were elected, and though of a lower class, they had veto power over the senate. How the emperors gained true power was when the tribunician power was first given to Augustus Caesar in 27 BC,” says Mace.
James Mace developed his passion for history at a young age and has been a lifelong scholar of Ancient Rome. He penned the initial draft of his first novel, Soldier of Rome: The Legionary, as a cathartic means of escapism while serving with the U.S. Army in Iraq. He spent a career as a soldier and in 2011 left his full-time position with the Army National Guard to devote himself to writing. His well-received series, Soldier of Rome – The Artorian Chronicles, is a perennial best-seller in ancient history on Amazon. With his other favorite period in history being the British Empire, his writing has branched into the Napoleonic Wars. He is currently working on a new trilogy about the Roman-Jewish War of 66 to 73 A.D., along with a side project about the Anglo-Zulu War of 1879.
For more information, visit www.legionarybooks.net.
Hour 3: Mike George
Joining the show during the final hour is best-selling author, international speaker, and spiritual teacher Mike George who will be discussing his latest books, The 7 Myths About LOVE…Actually! and Don’t Get MAD, Get Wise.
Millions obsess over it and thousands have died for it. Few will find it and even fewer will live it. It’s LOVE. Infinite and yet indestructible, it is only when you understand LOVE that you will understand your life. Unlimited and yet invisible, it is only when you know LOVE that you will know your power. Do you know love? Have you discovered love? Mike will take us on a journey to the very heart of your life where love lives and has always lived. And along the way, he’ll explore the spirituality of love and reveal why there are so many confusing concepts and ideas about love. He’ll clarify why true love is elusive, demonstrating how the ego both suppresses and distorts love, and how to rediscover the energy of love within oneself. He’ll discuss the links between love, truth and happiness while dispelling the the myths about love (The 7 Myths About LOVE…Actually!), revealing why many people are so “emotionally confused” above love.
Then Mike will talk about his book, Don’t Get MAD, Get Wise. We all have anger in our hearts and it corrodes relationships everywhere, from the individual to the international. But anger is never healthy or justified. Mike will discuss how to get rid of anger. At its root, anger is a spiritual rather than an emotional issue. We can’t be angry and peaceful and loving at the same time. Mike will talk about learning what forgiveness really means, how to be peaceful, and to live without anger. It’s about healing the wounds of our anger-driven habits and learning who we really are. It’s about the spiritual realization that anger is not only futile, but that there is a part of you it has never touched.
Mike George is a best selling author, international speaker and spiritual teacher. He guides, coaches and facilitates the personal and spiritual development of people in communities and companies in over 30 countries. As a management tutor he brings together the three key strands of the 21st century: spiritual/emotional intelligence; management/leadership development and continuous ‘unlearning’. As an inspirational speaker, experienced facilitator and meditation teacher each year he leads a series of Awareness Retreats worldwide. His publications include The 7 AHA!s of Highly Enlightened Souls; Don’t Get MAD Get Wise; In the Light of Meditation and his latest book, The 7 Myths About LOVE…Actually!.
For more information, visit www.mythsoflove.com.
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