This Saturday August 29th Michael will be discussing on our show what he feels is definitely one of the most critical and important issues and challenges that we as a society and planetary civilization have had to ever face. Having first of all, been brought up as a child in a holistic and natural lifestyle, in which he was never given any vaccinations, and as a result, he knows that he is so much more healthy today, with a much stronger immune system because of this. Michael has also spent many years researching all the pros and cons regarding vaccinations in general, and along with much information that was channeled to him from Higher Cosmic Forces of Light, and those in the Federation of Light, who have been closely monitoring the activities and plans of the power elite or cabal, and how they do have a definite agenda to force mandatory vaccinations upon the entire population of the planet. In fact, just recently right after listening to such researchers as Alex Jones and David Icke, Michael received another, much more powerful and in-depth channeling-transmission from Ashtar and Zoser, a “Cosmic Physician of Light” within the Federation, specifically emphasizing the seriousness of this situation, and warning us that we must take immediate actions of enlightening as many others as possible, and that if we do take action, by sharing and networking with as many other people as possible, and for them to also take action, that with “help from off the planet” we can truly turn things around and stop the full implementation of this insidious plans of the power elite. Michael has just posted this recent Channeling from Lord Ashtar and Zoser at his web site,, in the “Channeled Material” section, and he has given the okay for others to make copies of this channeling (as long as you do not change it and also give credit to the source of Channeling) and share it with as many other people as possible, and for them to do the same, because we must stop this plan at all costs before it has time to fully be implemented on us all.

Greetings and Salutations!
Thank you for your interest in what many people consider to be the most cutting edge and relevant information of our time! To give you a bit of history on myself and the work I do, I will give you a brief outline. I was born Mark Block in Boulder City, Nevada on September 20th 1953 at 4:35 a.m. with conscious memory of being aboard a Starship. I knew I was from a more advanced planet and had many conscious memories that I did not want to share with anyone until I was older.
Thank you for your interest in what many people consider to be the most cutting edge and relevant information of our time! To give you a bit of history on myself and the work I do, I will give you a brief outline. I was born Mark Block in Boulder City, Nevada on September 20th 1953 at 4:35 a.m. with conscious memory of being aboard a Starship. I knew I was from a more advanced planet and had many conscious memories that I did not want to share with anyone until I was older.
My parents moved shortly after my birth to Vista, a small sleepy town in southern California just 7 miles from the ocean where I grew up testing my father’s Parasails along with my older brother on the beach. My parents Paul and Arlene Block provided for the most part a pretty normal childhood. My mother was a school teacher and my father in addition to designing and inventing the “Parasail” and appearing on the cover of LOOK and LIFE Magazine in the 1950’s, was a professional Stage Hypnotist, pilot and a follower of the famous Channel Edgar Cayce.
When I was a child I began to have many spiritual experiences. I have compiled some of them in the new book I have just published, Prepare For The Landings! that I have co-authored with fellow contactee and health intuitive, Aurora Light (also known as the “Amusing Muse”; go to See the section at the bottom of this page about either downloading the book as an E-Book or to order paperback copies. This is also the first of six books in the Divine Blueprint Series.
My father knew that Cayce was “activated by a hypnotist” that Cayce had gone to about a problem he was having. So when I showed signs of being a Channel, my dad began working with me and helped me develop into the Channel that I was destined to become today. By the the time I was 15 years old I was doing Readings for people up and down the west coast of the US by word of mouth.
At first my Readings were much like Edgar Cayce’s, in that they were Karmic in nature. Then in 1979, I was physically beamed aboard for the second time (my first contact occurred at six years of age) one of the Spiritual Hierarchy’s spacecraft known as a Merkabah Lightship. Afterwards I was “activated” as a “Direct-Voice Channel for the Spiritual Hierarchy”. From then on I began exclusively doing Readings for the Lightworkers or Star People. For the past 25 years, I have done thousands of Readings for people all over the world helping many to achieve a Greater Destiny and helping the Lightworkers bring in the Golden Age.
I have had the privilege and honor to Channel many
Lord Ashtar is a higher inner dimensional being in charge of the Ashtar Command that oversees the Volunteers in Earth embodiment’s Missions.
These higher beings, along with some of the other Key Members come through during your Reading to bring insight into some of your relevant Past Lives of importance now, your present Mission and Purpose, along with Future Opportunities coming up for you so that you can more consciously take advantage of these opportunities when they come your way.
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