Hour 1 – Barb Adams and John J. Higgins, A Tale of Two Countries (Part 1)
Hour 2 – Barb Adams and John J. Higgins, A Tale of Two Countries (Part 2)

This November’s election may well be one of the most, if not the most, important elections in this country’s history. At stake, our Republic, our democracy, our definition of American values, our history, our future, and the very soul of America.
With just over two (2) months until the election, our country couldn’t be more divided. We don’t agree on something as simple as doing the right thing to save American lives by wearing a mask in public and physically distancing only 6 feet. We’re divided on common language and the meaning of words, on national goals, on personal values. We can’t even agree on our freedoms…for Democrats, it means freedom from…discrimination, racism, poverty. For Republicans, it means freedom to…own guns, practice their religion, do what they want when they want to do it and be left alone.
The United States of America no longer exists. We are so divided we have become as two separate countries; our shared values unrecognizable by the other.
This election will determine which America we’re going to end up living in. Will it be Trump’s version of America, where lies trump truth; alt-facts trump real facts and science; where magical thinking replaces rational thought; where justice and equality are subverted from the masses; where compassion and kindness are replaced by hatred and tactless cruelty; where gaslighting replaces leadership; where more than 300,000 Americans will die by December from a pandemic the president doesn’t give a rat’s ass about; where stupidity, corruption and greed reign supreme; and where the American dream becomes the American nightmare driven by QAnon conspiracies and hate?
I pray not, but in this time of division and chaos, where the president himself is sabotaging the U.S. Postal Service and secure, mail-in voting and where the Republicans goose step in alignment with their mad king’s rantings by willfully conducting voter suppression, it will take a concerted, focused effort to stop the Trumpian nightmare on November 3rd.
WE have a choice to make, each and every one of us as citizens. Do WE want to unite and come together as real Americans in compassion and kindness to help America build back better or will we choose the current kleptocratic oligarchy led by a spiteful demagogue who only cares about himself? We will only get one chance. Choose wisely!
JOIN Barb and John as they discuss A Tale of Two Countries.
KEN GOLDSTEIN (Rebroadcast) comments each hour on How Anyone Can Be the Leader They Wish They Had
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