Hour 1 – John J. Higgins and Barb Adams, What’s Your Ethnicity?

Just days after Trump tweeted racist insults directed at four Democratic congresswomen to “go back” to the “crime infested places from which they came,” he did his usual 180 and began a tweet storm proclaiming himself to be a total non-racist. “Those Tweets were NOT Racist. I don’t have a Racist bone in my body!” And right on cue, on Tuesday, Trump’s adviser, Kellyanne Conway, offered up an absolutely mind-blowing racist defense of what Trump actually said/meant.
During a question-and-answer session with journalists, Conway was asked by Breakfast Media White House reporter Andrew Feinberg about Trump’s tweets and to what countries he was referring. Conway fired back at Feinberg, “What’s your ethnicity?” “Ummm…” Feinberg paused, “Why is that relevant?” Conway continued down the slippery slope, adding, “Because I’m asking you a question. My ancestors are from Ireland and Italy.” At that point, Feinberg replied, “My own ethnicity is not relevant to the question I’m asking.” “No, it is,” Conway stated, adding that Feinberg was asking about what Trump said about “originally.” At that point, Conway seemed to lose her train of thought and went on a rant about how “…a lot of us are sick and tired of this country–of America coming last.”
Wow! Every time I think the bar on hatred and stupidity can’t go any lower, it does. To top it off, Trump on Thursday added to the vile stench by throwing his own supporters in North Carolina under the bus by declaring THEY were the instigators of the “send her back” chant in reference to Ilhan Omar, and that he was once again the innocent one, saying he “wasn’t happy” about the chant. Right. But then on Friday, Trump again reversed course by stating his “record crowd” who were engaged in racist chants are now “incredible patriots,” aka, “very fine people.”
JOIN Barb and John as they discuss What’s Your Ethnicity?
Hour 2 – David Crow, The Pale-Faced Lie
RESCHEDULED to August 17. Unfortunately David and his family experienced a severe weather event at his home, including loss of utilities and flash flooding. I wish David and his family all best in their recovery efforts!
Joining the show during the second hour is author, speaker and lobbyist, David Crow. David will be discussing his captivating, empowering book, The Pale-Faced Lie.
Growing up on the Navajo Indian Reservation, David Crow and his siblings idolized their dad. Tall, strong, smart, and brave, the self-taught Cherokee regaled his family with stories of his World War II feats. But as time passed, David discovered the other side of Thurston Crow, the ex-con with his own code of ethics that justified cruelty, violence, lies—even murder.
A shrewd con artist with a genius IQ, Thurston intimidated David with beatings to coerce him into doing his criminal bidding. David’s mom, too mentally ill to care for her children, couldn’t protect him. One day, making good on his threat to “get rid of their crazy mother,” Thurston packed up the house and took the kids, leaving her nothing. Soon he remarried, and David learned that his stepmother was just as vicious and abusive as his father.
Through sheer determination, and with the help of a few angels along the way, David managed to get into college and achieve professional success. When he finally found the courage to stop helping his father with his criminal activities, he unwittingly triggered a plot of revenge that would force him into a showdown with Thurston Crow.
Crow will talk about his incredible, inspirational story and how, after spending his entire childhood on an Indian Reservation believing he was a Native American, he was devastated when he learned his true identity.
David Crow spent his early years on the Navajo Indian Reservation in Arizona and New Mexico. Through grit, resilience, and a thirst for learning, he managed to escape his abusive childhood, graduate from college, and build a successful lobbyist business in Washington, D.C. Today, David is a sought-after speaker, giving talks to various businesses and trade organizations around the world. Throughout the years, he has mentored over 200 college interns, performed pro bono service for the charitable organization Save the Children, and participated in the Big Brothers Big Sisters program. An advocate for women, he will donate 10 percent of his book royalties to Barrett House, a homeless shelter for women in Albuquerque. David and his wife, Patty, live in the suburbs of D.C.
For more information, visit davidcrowauthor.com.
Ken Goldstein comments in Hours 1 and 2 on The Little We See.
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