Hour 1 – Barb Adams and John J. Higgins – America Needs LOVE!
Hour 2 – Barb Adams and John J. Higgins – America Needs LOVE! (Continued from Hour 1)

All you need is Love – we’ve been given the answer to true freedom and happiness from time immortal. So if love is all we need, then why is it so difficult for people to express love, our natural born state? And why is it so many people, especially now, simply love to judge and hate other people-replacing their natural state with one that can never bring true freedom, peace, and happiness?
Fear! There really are only two (2) core emotions we can ever feel…love and fear, everything else is an extension of one or the other, and there’s a very fine line between the two. For most people, it’s just easier to give in to the fear that surrounds and bombards us 24/7. Look around, every day when we turn on the news or go on social media, there’s plenty to be concerned and fearful about…a pandemic that is still very much with us and resurging, climate change, epidemics of suicide, prescription drug abuse and alcoholism, inequality and poverty, systemic racial injustice, protests, police brutality, mistreatment of immigrants, soaring unemployment, a political party that is willing to trash the American experiment in favor of its own power, and an unfit president who represents himself instead of We the People and who incites division and hatred, leading not by love, but by fear.
Everything about Trump cries fear – he reacts rather than responds; he communicates via blunt, typically hate-filled simplistic one-liners and tweets; he doesn’t understand the power of listening because he fears what he might hear; he blows a fuse before double checking with others, fearing they might shake up his world by telling him something he doesn’t want to nor is able to hear; he bullies out of fear; and he always has a negative or crude opinion of those he considers to be in competition with him…in reality, fearing them all. His fondness for wrath has created an “us versus them” culture that continues to spiral into chaos, creating further fear and mistrust, justifying his fears which become a self-fulfilling prophecy vindicating his actions. Trump’s inner narrative is fear-based and his fearful mindset assumes his negative attitude and outlook is shared by others…and it is, by those with the same type of mindset of fear.
So isn’t there a better way to go through life than being pulled through kicking and screaming? There is, but it requires our willingness to change, and that takes courage and being able to take responsibility for all your thoughts, words, and actions. No easy task! But what’s the alternative? It’s what we’re seeing at the collective level and what is happening in this country, which is not sustainable. We are destroying ourselves and the world in which we live. We want change for the better, but trying to get to where we want to be can’t happen through our old ways. We can’t control the world or other people, and this leads to feelings of hopelessness and frustration as well as feelings of being disconnected, separated, divided, and being unloved and unlovable.
Do you really think Trump and those who seek power over others and who attempt to fill themselves from the outside with physical things are really happy and at peace? I think we can all honestly answer that one with a resounding “no!” While it appears many so-called rich, wealthy people have all these wonderful things on the outside, they are empty inside and fear their own reflection.
The desire to need “something” results in stress, which expresses as fear and shows up in our lives as depression, anxiety, pain, dis-ease, and even death. Even those who desire ridding themselves of their pain and suffering still want to maintain their old self-concept, leading to their spinning around in circles because they’re holding onto their old belief system.
And what we’re witnessing in the world we see today that seems so totally insane is the result of a belief system that isn’t working. To change the world, we must change ourselves and our belief systems and rid ourselves of the fear in our minds.
America is in a deep crisis and desperately needs love now more than ever. And love is letting go of fear.
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