Hour 1 – John J. Higgins and Barb Adams, War of Words

While the focus this past week has been on our involvement in Iran and the possibility of yet another war, there’s been an ongoing war for at least the past three-plus years which has been directed at the citizens of this country. This ongoing “war” is one of words…in particular, those words being used by a majority of this administration and the Republican Party in spreading disinformation, divisiveness, and hatred.
Take, for example, some of this past week’s words. On Wednesday, Trump spread a lot of misinformation regarding the Iranian situation (and his previous predecessor). After Trump’s speech, Lindsey Graham had the audacity to call the speech “one of the greatest that will be retold long after his second term…being on par with the Tear down your wall, Mr. Gorbachev speech.” Mike Pence, not to be outdone, chimed in by stating that “Trump has done more to strengthen NATO than any president in his lifetime.” I don’t believe our allies in NATO would agree with Pence’s statement, though!
On Thursday, GOP Rep. Doug Collins dissed all Democrats when he said that “Democrats are in love with terrorists,” and that they “mourn Soleimani’s death more than our own Gold Star families.” Nikki Haley reiterated the disinformation about Democrats as well. Such hypocrisy, though, as the only person who has attacked a Gold Star Family recently is…Donald J. Trump! Then on Thursday night, at a rally in Toledo, OH, Trump and his cult of followers resurrected the “Lock Her Up” chant, which oddly coincided with his own Justice Department’s closing of its 2-year long probe into the Clintons, clearing them.
Even Facebook said it will allow politicians to lie in their Facebook ads!
This war on words and its resulting divisiveness is becoming so commonplace it’s slowly becoming the norm. Like the frog in the pot scenario, the American way of truth and justice is being slowly but steadily eroded. And if we continue to accept this hypocrisy, we must remember that hypocrisy is the soil in which antipathy towards democracy takes root.
JOIN Barb and John as they discuss The War on Words.
Hour 2 – Lynn K. Russell, The Wonder of You
Joining the show during the second hour is author and Unitarian Universalist Lay Chaplain Lynn K. Russell. Lynn will be discussing her book, The Wonder of You: What the Near-Death Experiences Tell You About Yourself.
Have you ever wondered “What is our reality and why do we exist?”
In Lynn K. Russell’s book, The Wonder of You: What Near-Death Experiences Tell You About Yourself, you’ll come to understand more clearly why you here and why you’re traveling the paths you are traveling.
Lynn will offer insight into what she has learned from researching 2,500 cases of near-death experiences. She’ll share some of the deeply hidden messages about the world, life, and our own individual journeys in hopes of guiding you towards your own personal discoveries. Lynn will also share her own out-of-body experiences.
For most of her life, Lynn Russell has been a student and experiencer of a variety of spiritual phenomena. For 28 years, Lynn was a professional family counselor, loving every minute of it. But when Dr. Jeffery Long of NDERF.org asked for help in researching his vast online database of Near-Death Experience (NDE) testimonies, Lynn didn’t hesitate to accept the challenge. From her research of over 2,500 NDEs, Lynn discovered profound and consistent insights about life and what happens afterward. Her mission is to share these profound insights – backed up with scientific evidence – to help others gain a greater understanding of their own spiritual journey.
KEN GOLDSTEIN (Rebroadcast) – Comments each hour on Gossip in the Workplace
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