(1) John J. Higgins & Barb Adams, What Comes Next?

All eyes are turned to November and the outcome of the presidential election, but what comes next, after the election is over?
What comes next is whether we as a nation will sink or swim. Regardless of whoever is victorious in November, many things that have led to this point of polarization and deadlock in our country will remain the same or worsen. We’ll still be facing the same issues and the new president will still have to deal with basically the same legislators that Obama had to deal with, resulting in more of the same gridlock and obstructionism. And that will apply to Trump as much as Clinton.
The Republican Party will continue be in disarray, perhaps even more so, and many Americans will feel even more hopeless and disillusioned after the election is over.
So how can we prevent additional splitting of this country and work towards creating a brighter future for all of us? It begins with each and every one of us as Americans. Become an informed citizen (voter) and look to the bigger picture of where we want this country to go in the future. Our future rests in our hands, literally, with our votes!
(2) Michael Taylor
Joining the show during the second hour is entrepreneur, author, speaker and podcast host, Coach Michael Taylor. Michael will be discussing his latest book, Adversity is Your Greatest Ally: How to Use Life Challenges as Stepping Stones to Live the Life of Your Dreams.
In our current culture, we’ve been taught to believe that adversity is a “bad” thing and we should avoid it at all costs. But what if adversity was good? What if adversity is simply preparation for something remarkable that is about to occur?
Coach Michael Taylor wants us to “…think of adversity as simply stepping stones to live the life of your dreams. They are neither good nor bad, until you choose to label them as such.”
Adversity if Your Greatest Ally is based on Taylor’s own life experiences of overcoming being born in the inner city projects of Corpus Christi, Texas, to a single mother with six kids who were the poster children for poverty back in the Sixties. It’s also based on Taylor’s ability to overcome being a high-school dropout who refused to succumb to a life of mediocrity, who was able to climb the corporate ladder and become a mid-level manager for a multi-million company at the tender age of 22. But it’s also based on his ability to overcome divorce, bankruptcy, foreclosure, and a deep state of depression in which he even contemplated taking his own life.
“Rest assured that you have everything you need right now to overcome any adversity placed in front of you,” asserts Taylor. “The two questions you must ask yourself are, ‘What do I want?’ and ‘What am I willing to do to get it?'”
Coach Michael Taylor is an entrepreneur, author, motivational speaker, and podcast host who has dedicated his life to empowering men and women to reach their full potential. He knows firsthand how to overcome adversity and build a rewarding and fulfilling life.
Taylor, who was a radio show host for two-and-a-half years in Houston on KPFT, is also the author of Black Men Rock: 10 Keys to Empower Black Men to Live Extraordinary Lives.
Coach Taylor has been on a 15-year inner journey of personal transformation that has resulted in his discovering his true self and his passions for living. As a result, he is now happily married and living his dream of experiencing an extraordinary life while being in service to others. Through his books, lectures, and media appearances, Taylor now coaches others on how to become genuinely happy with their lives and discover the lives they were born to live.
For more information, visit http://adversityisyourgreatestally.com and http://coachmichaeltaylor.com.
(3) Denise Frisino
Award-winning writer, actress, and teacher Denise Frisino joins the show in the third hour to discuss her latest book, Orchids of War.
Did you know that before World War II exploded into the lives of Americans, a Japanese spy ring operated along the West Coast between Canada and Mexico?
Denise Frisino uses historical fiction in her latest novel, Orchids of War, to bring forth the untold story of Japanese spies in the U.S. during World War II.
Set in 1941 Seattle, San Francisco, and Hawaii, Orchids of War explores Japanese espionage and its impact on the lives of all Americans. “The facts reconstructed in Orchids of War are important for us to understand,” says Frisino. The historical fiction weaves through events specific to the buildup to World War II, bringing to the forefront the network of spies on American soil, the decryption machine “Magic,” and the “Winds Code.”
Thought-provoking and controversial, Orchids of War will reshape your perception of World War II.
Denise Frisino spent her summers playing and working in the numerous islands that define the Pacific Northwest, where her family spans four generations. Denise is a Seattle native who, at age five, began her lifelong devotion to performing and the arts. Both on stage and in film, she has been involved as an actress, writer, director, and producer. After graduating from the University of Washington she continued to study acting at ACT in San Francisco. While working in the film industry in Los Angeles, Denise appeared in various venues including the Comedy Store. She taught English, drama, video, writing in the public schools, and recently Creating Memorable Characters, a course she created for writers at UW Experimental College in Seattle. She has been a member of Screen Actors Guild, Women in Film, International Television Association, and served on the Board for American Federation of Television and Radio.
Denise’s first historical fiction, Whiskey Cove, was nominated for the Pacific Northwest Booksellers Association Award, was a staff pick at Third Place Books, and is in its second printing. Whiskey Cove also opened the door to numerous public speaking engagements.
For Orchids of War, the first of a two-part series, Denise draws from her time spent living in San Francisco and Hawaii, plus years of interviews with men and women who served during World War II.
Denise has stood atop five mountain peaks over 14,000 feet, lived aboard one of the old Mosquito Fleet boats on Lake Union, and drank Scotch with Katharine Hepburn. She and her husband reside in Seattle. Denise enjoys being on the water, lived aboard one of the old Mosquito Fleet boats on Lake Union, and loves her row boat. She and her husband spend time at Hood Canal and reside in Seattle.
For more information, visit http://denisefrisino.com.
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