December 1, 2012 Archives/Pod Casts Hour 1 – Hour 2 – Hour 3
Hour 1: Master Sha
Joining Amerika Now during the first hour of the show is #1 New York Times bestselling author, teacher, and healer Dr. & Master Zhi Gang Sha to discuss his latest book, Divine Healing Hands.
Millions of people are searching for wisdom, guidance, and practical techniques to aid in the advancement of their spiritual journey. Master Sha will share ways to transform every aspect of your life, including health, relationships, finances, emotional intelligence, etc, through simple, yet profound techniques for Soul Power.
Dr. & Master Sha will also discuss the power of sound therapy to improve consciousness.
Dr. Sha’s life’s work includes serving humanity by helping people to achieve balance in their lives, cleanse their karma, be of service to others, and lift the soul to a higher standing. By finding a path to harmony with the Universe, everything else in our lives will follow.
Dr. & Master Zhi Gang Sha is a soul leader, an extraordinary healer, and a Divine servant. He was trained as a conventional doctor and a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine. He is the Founder of the Institute of Soul Healing and Enlightenment and is a grandmaster of many ancient disciplines, including Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Feng Shui, and the I Ching. In addition, he created Power Healing and Soul Mind Body Medicine® to combine the essence of Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine with ancient energy and spiritual healing secrets from China.
In 2006, Dr. Sha was granted the Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Commission Award for his humanitarian efforts.
Dr. & Master Sha is the author of more than 12 books published by Simon & Schuster (Atria Imprint), including his latest, Divine Healing Hands.
For more information about Dr. & Master Sha, please visit his website at
Hour 2: Paul Huljich
During the second hour of the show, Paul Huljich, a member of the American Institute of Stress and Co-Founder of Best Corporation, a pioneering organic foods company in New Zealand in the 1980s, joins Barb to discuss his latest book, Stress Pandemic: The Lifestyle Solution.
Is America winning or losing the war with stress? Paul will share his vivid description of how unmanaged stress overtook his health and left him in a downward spiral. After being admitted into a mental institution, Paul lost all his rights as a citizen, being left with a diagnosis of the incurable Bipolar Disease.
There is a pandemic called stress. It impacts everyone, some more often and to a bigger degree than others. But everybody has to learn how to deal with stress, otherwise it leaves us sad, angry, depleted, unfocused, unproductive, and with a growing list of illnesses. Worse, it can contribute to harmful addictions, broken relationships, depression, and even suicide. To cope with stress, too many Americans have turned to sleeping pills, drugs, booze and food – and it seems we are more stressed out than ever. Perhaps we can blame it on the Great Recession, global events, technology, family, a boss, or just the fast-paced, ever-changing ever-competitive mobile lifestyle on the run, 24-7. “Life can bully us,” reveals Huljich, “but we must and can take control of stress before it takes control of you. Unchecked stress has real consequences.”
Stress Pandemic is a Cautionary Tale/Guidebook for ordinary people who are living with chronic stress in their lives. Paul’s story resonates with openness and honesty that can only come from someone who has “been there.” Paul rejected the grim recommendation to take psychotropic drugs for the rest of his life and began to research and explore natural ways to heal himself. Tonight, Paul offers “9 Natural Steps” to become aware of the stressors in your life as well as empowering techniques to minimize their harmful health effects. By learning and following Paul’s uniquely powerful and integrated approach to wellness, you can live stress-free in a natural and holistic way and learn the valuable lesson to manage the stress in your lives, before it ruins your life and health.
Fourteen years after his diagnosis, Paul is back, restructuring a life that got sidetracked in something out of the Twilight Zone. He now spends most of his time in New York City while visiting his native land of Auckland, New Zealand, and is the founder of a U.S. non-profit organization dedicated to helping others stay mentally healthy, Mwella (Mind Wellness Awareness). Paul is also a blogger for, offers a prescription not just for reducing stress levels in your life but for living a balanced life that gives you more energy, happiness, and fulfillment. “My wish in sharing my story,” says Huljich, “is that people will pause for a moment and reflect where they are in their lives. Each of us has to embrace within ourselves the willingness to change and with change comes hope. I truly believe that my book offers that hope and in doing so, has the power to improve and save lives.”
For more information, please see and
Hour 3: Matt Kaplan
Noted science journalist and mythology enthusiast Matt Kaplan joins the show during the final hour to discuss his book, Medusa’s Gaze and Vampire’s Bite: The Science of Monsters.
Certain questions arise when we turn out the lights. Things go bump in the night and we wonder: Is that just the wind howling? Did that shadow on the wall just move? Is something watching me? Often the answer is much less exciting than the thrill of fear that just tickled up our spines. We know there’s no such thing as monsters, so why do we keep wondering? Why can’t we get enough of movies and TV shows about vampires and zombies and the quest for the Loch Ness Monster? In Medusa’s Gaze and Vampire’s Bite: The Science of Monsters (Scribner), noted science journalist and mythology enthusiast Matt Kaplan seeks to illuminate why monsters have held such power over human existence for centuries.
Matt will trace the origins of our most notorious monsters and explore such questions as: What caused ancient Minoans to create the tale of the Minotaur – the half man, half-bull that was imprisoned in an underground maze? Did dragons really exist? What inspired the creation of vampires and werewolves, and why have they endured as figures of horror?
Some of our legends may be closer to the truth than we thought. Kaplan brings readers to the forefront of scientific discoveries that potentially verify some of the monsters we have always taken for granted. Does the legendary kraken, or giant squid, really roam the deep? Are we actually close to replicating a dinosaur from DNA taken from fossilized amber, as Jurassic Park foretold? As Kaplan examines the monsters that have terrified humans for thousands of years, he also takes a look at how monsters have evolved. Kaplan asks: What’s next? – for man- and monster-kind alike. As society has changed, so have our fears, and Kaplan charts the rise of the latest monster: humanity.
Matt Kaplan draws on his science experience to debunk the myths surrounding mankind’s most feared and famed monsters. His exploration delves into history and archaeology and takes readers all the way up through modern times with pop-culture creatures from movies like King Kong and Jaws. With charm, alacrity, and a shrewd eye for the facts, Kaplan raises and answers important questions regarding these monsters and the future of monster mythology. With its mix of science, history, pop culture and a wealth of black and white illustrations, Medusa’s Gaze and Vampire’s Bite is a thrilling and enlightening journey through the history of mankind, as seen through its most dreaded and horrible creations.
Matt Kaplan is a science journalist and regular contributor to The Economist. He has also written for National Geographic, New Scientist, Nature, Scientific American, Science, BBC Wildlife, and The New York Times. When not chained to a desk, Kaplan travels the wilds of the world as part of a London expedition group. He lives in London.
For more information about Matt Kaplan, please visit his publisher’s website at:
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