May 1, 2010 Podcast/Show Archive Hour 1
Stan Gordon’s lifelong interest in UFOs and other phenomena began after receiving an AM radio for his 10th birthday. Since 1965, Stan has conducted on-scene investigations of thousands of mysterious encounters across Pennsylvania. He gained prominence in the UFO research field as the authority on the Kecksburg, PA, UFO incident. As well, he is regarded highly in the field of paranormal research with his first-hand investigations into Bigfoot encounters and UFO sightings that occurred throughout Pennsylvania during 1973.
Stan created the Westmoreland County UFO Study Group in 1970, which expanded into the Pennsylvania Center for UFO Research in 1975. He served as State Director of MUFON during the 1970s and, in 1981, founded and served as Director of the Pennsylvania Association for the Study of the Unexplained as well as Editor of the PASU Data Exchange (a newsletter covering cases of phenomena). In 1987, Stan received the prestigious MUFON Meritorious Achievement in UFO Investigation Award, the first of its kind.
Stan is listed in the Directory of Experts, Authorities, and Spokespersons and The International Who’s Who in UFOlogy Directory. He presents lectures on these subjects and conducts adult education courses on UFOs at Westmoreland County Community College. His work is featured in numerous AP and UPI news service articles as well as magazines such as FOCUS, The National Observer, and The Globe. Besides publishing his own articles on UFOs, Stan’s works and research are credited in such major works as Creatures of the Outer Edge (Clark and Coleman), UFO Dynamics (Dr. Berthold E. Schwarz), and The Bigfoot Casebook (Janet and Colin Bord). Stan is also a frequent guest on talk shows and radio, and has a new book out entitled Really Mysterious Pennsylvania. Autographed copies can be ordered from Stan’s website @
In 1998, Stan produced a 92-minute video documentary on the Kecksburg incident, which won the EBE film award for Best Historical UFO Documentary by the 8th Annual International UFO Congress.
Stan remains active in the field as an independent researcher and investigator. His website is:
May 1, 2010 Podcast/Show Archive Hour 2 – Hour 3 – Hour 4
Our second guest for May 1st, 2010, is Phil Catalano. Phil is an aerospace engineer with more than 33 years in the aerospace and telecommunications field, having worked with NASA, JPL, Lockheed Martin, Ball Aerospace, and Raytheon. Phil is also a student/practitioner of Ancient Wisdom and Knowledge and the occult sciences, practicing Wizardry and Occult Magick for more than 35 years. He has degrees in Engineering, Anthropology, Psychology, and Parapsychology as well as having studied with several ancient mystery schools. Phil currently lectures, teaches courses, and gives presentations in Occult Magick.
Magick is often defined as “Causing change in accordance with one’s will.” Throughout history, there have always been individuals and secret societies that have been aware of how the subtle energies and natural forces work. These individuals and societies have used this knowledge to influence events and outcomes, often without observers understanding what was occurring. These societies and individuals have held these understandings as priviledged knowledge for use by spiritual masters and the trained adepts. Some of the more well-known include the Egyptian Mystery Schools, Kabala (Jewish mysticism), Freemasons, Rosicrucians, the Catholic Church, Native American Shamans, and wizards and prophets. Using tools such as amulets, crystal balls, magick wands, incantations, tarot cards, scrying mirrors, the casting of spells, and assorted herbs and spices, these practitioners gain greater awareness of the forces which affect outcomes.
Phil Catalano is one such practitioner, and he will discuss the history, theory, and practice of Occult Magick. Phil will discuss ethics in the use of Magick and the consequences of using Magick, both positively and negatively. He will also discuss several methods of spell working and self-protection as well as describe tools of the trade and how to use them. Those who listen in will definitely be SPELLBOUND!
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