(1) John J. Higgins & Barb Adams, Winning in America

“Winning isn’t everything; it’s the only thing,” said former UCLA Bruins football coach “Red” Sanders (original quote 1950).
Unfortunately, that attitude has since come to define America in almost every area from sports to politics to business, and it’s doing more harm than good. America has an obsession with winners, and winning is often at any cost.
Today’s political parties are closer in resemblance to opposing football teams than they are elected officials who are supposed to be serving their electorate for the greater good of all. Rather than focusing on bipartisan cooperation to tackle the pressing problems this nation is facing, it appears the new agenda is to get as many members of their own parties elected or re-elected. After all, it’s all about the winning, right?
So why is America so obsessed with competition and winning? It’s reflected everywhere these days, from schools to corporate boardrooms to so-called “reality” TV,” where competitors are pitted against one another and there can only be one winner, with everyone else labeled a “loser.” These shows do not emphasize cooperation or excellence of character, rather they drive home the theme that you’re only good enough if you’re a winner.
Maybe Trump is finally right on one thing he’s said all along, “We’re going to win so much, you’re going to be…sick and tired of winning.”
America, are we “sick” from winning too much yet?
JOIN Barb and John as they discuss Winning in America.
(2) Paul Blanchard
Joining the show during the second hour is Paul Blanchard, the founder and principal consultant of Right Angles, a media consultancy based in London and New York. Paul will be discussing his book, Fast PR: Give Yourself a Huge Media Boost.
We live in a time when companies are finding their fortunes rise and fall with a single tweet. Leaders’ reputations and company shares can plummet as fast as you can say, “What were you thinking?” Social media’s lightning speed means that cause-and-effect spans moments, not days–with businesses or individuals scrambling to mitigate the damage. It’s critical to know how to deal with a mess effectively.
PR mastermind Paul Blanchard can help anyone learn the best tactics for mastering media coverage. He knows it’s just as important to know what not to do as what to do.
Fast PR offers every painful lesson Paul’s learned along the way. It’s everything you should do – and everything you shouldn’t do. If it works, it’s in this book. If it doesn’t work – this book will tell you why. It’s packed with snippets of accessible and highly practical advice from some of the most able communicators in the world.
Anyone can learn how to do their own PR – get in the press, on TV and radio, and get results. You don’t need a PR agency. All you need is this book, a laptop, a phone… and some ambition.
Paul Blanchard is the founder and principal consultant of Right Angles, a media consultancy based in London and New York. He’s also had an active career in politics and is a former parliamentary advisor whose 2005 campaign gained the largest vote increase in the country. He holds a degree in law and a fellowship of the RSA, The Royal Institution, and the Institute of Leadership & Management. He also hosts the popular podcast series Media Masters, one of the most listened to media podcasts in the world.
For more information, visit http://www.fast-pr.online.
(3) Denise R. Green
Certified executive coach, speaker and author Denise R. Green joins the show during the third hour to discuss her book, Work-Life Brilliance: Tools to Break Stress and Create the Life and Health You Crave.
If you’ve been searching for that elusive work-life balance, or if you’ve ever described yourself as “super-busy,” Denise Green’s book is for you. There is a way for you to feel more fulfillment and ease in all parts of your life: health, work, relationships, and home. But you won’t find it by trying to “balance” your time. For over a decade, Denise Green has been lighting the way for corporate executives, showing them simple steps to reducing feeling overwhelmed and helping them to achieve profound fulfillment in all areas of their lives.
Denise will discuss how to reduce stress now, and for the long term. She’ll also talk about how to shift negative thoughts instantly and create a naturally more positive outlook as well as explain why you’ve failed to change habits in the past (hint: it wasn’t your fault) and how to trick your brain so you can change any habit for good.
Denise Green is a certified executive coach, speaker and author who is passionate about helping others lower stress and improve their lives. With more than 14 years’ experience in the industry at both Oracle and Charles Schwab, Denise understands the stressful corporate environment. Since Founding Brilliance, Inc., in 2008, she has coached and trained thousands of people and helped them transform their lives.
If you’d like more information, visit http://www.work-lifebrilliance.com.
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