John J. Higgins and Barb Adams (Hours 1 and 2) – Week in Review: All the “Achomlishments”
This week was filled with yet more Trump-fueled dysfunction. A bipartisan infrastructure meeting imploded on Wednesday, devolving into open political warfare between House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Trump, with Pelosi expressing concern “…about the president’s well-being” and the president responding by criticizing the Speaker as “a mess.” Trump on Thursday attempted to defend himself by describing himself as “extremely calm” and that he’s “…an extremely stable genius.” Pelosi responded back on Twitter, “When the ‘extremely stable genius’ starts acting more presidential, I’ll be happy to work with him on infrastructure, trade and other issues.”
Also on Thursday, Trump tweeted a firestorm admonishing Democrats in Congress for not making any progress on infrastructure, veterans’ issues, or health care. (Sidenote: It’s hard to make progress on an issue when the person you’re trying to discuss infrastructure with storms out of the meeting like a spoiled, entitled, less-than-bright petulant child.)
But House Democrats have been passing legislation, and at a rapid pace. Thus far, the House has taken up 51 bills, resolutions, and suspensions since January and have passed 49 of them, including a number of bills to end the longest government shutdown in history. And in just the past two weeks, the House passed bills addressing the issues Trump blathered about in his tweet, including a bill to lower prescription drug prices and another to protect preexisting conditions, nine bills regarding veterans’ issues, and the infrastructure plan that Trump stormed out on.
JOIN Barb and John as they discuss and poke fun at some of the top stories of the week, including the “extremely stable genius” and all his “achomlishments” and his administration’s fixation with “OREOS (REOs).”
KEN GOLDSTEIN comments each hour on Turn Off the Doubt in Your Head.
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