(1) John J. Higgins and Barb Adams, Week in Review

Join Barb and John as they discuss some of the top stories from the past week including the gun control issue, the unconscionable conspiracy theories about the Parkland (and other) mass shootings, the latest charges filed against Manafort and Gates by Mueller, why our democracy is in serious danger, and more.
(2) David Greene
Joining the show during the second hour is author and former history teacher, David Greene. David will be discussing his book, He Could Make Words Sing: An Ordinary Man During Extraordinary Times.
What can we learn from the past to help us better understand our current tumultuous times? And how can we prepare our children and grandchildren to deal with their times from how the “Greatest Generation” lived through their extraordinary times?
In He Could Make Words Sing, David Greene walks us through the extraordinarily tumultuous 20th Century with Harry Greissman. Harry’s story recounts the issues so many Americans faced then and now, well into the 21st Century. Issues such as immigration, economic deprivation, lost love, war, discrimination at work, the transition from urban to suburban life, a working couple raising a family. Harry’s story is most Americans’ story.
David will talk about how looking at the events of the past can help us better understand the present and how we came to be where we are now. He’ll also talk about how there is hope for us by comparing and contrasting the events of Harry’s Greissman’s times to what is happening in America today.
David Greene was raised and went to public schools in the Bronx. After graduating from Fordham University, he went taught social studies and coached football for 38 years. After retiring he was an adjunct and field supervisor for Fordham University, was former treasurer of Save Our Schools, and a program consultant for WISE Services, a 501c3 devoted to helping high schools start and maintain experiential learning programs for their seniors. More recently he is still working in high schools via the Bigs Project and Walkabout, both extensions of his work with WISE.
Nationally, his blog posts have appeared in Diane Ravitch’s as well as Anthony Cody’s Living In Dialogue and Valerie Strauss’s Washington Post web-based column, The Answer Sheet, and US News and World Report. He wrote the most responded-to Sunday Dialogue letter in the New York Times entitled, A Talent For Teaching (May 4, 2013). David has appeared on radio over 30 times and has given several talks around the area and nation about Common Core, APPR, TFA, teacher preparation, the teaching profession, and other issues regarding education. He has appeared in the documentary, The Growing Movement Against Teach For America, by Lisa Binns and Christof Putzel. Additionally, he has also been involved in or has led the organization of the several pro public education rallies.
David Greene’s first book, Doing the Right Thing: A Teacher Speaks, is a result of his experiences and his strong desire to pay forward what he has learned over the years as he continues to fight for public schools. The book was recently given to former President Barack Obama by one of his staff members.
For more information, visit https://hecouldmakewordssing.wordpress.com/home.
(3) Dr. Joseph Christiano
Best-selling author Dr. Joseph Christiano, ND, CNC, CNHP, joins the show during the third hour to discuss his latest book, Stem Cell Revolution: Discover 26 Disruptive Technological Advances in Stem Cell Activation.
Stem cells…there’s been a lot of controversy regarding them. But stem cell therapies are not new. Doctors have been conducting bone marrow stem cell transplants for decades. And today, adult stem cells from our own bodies have been shown to be our own natural repair agents.

Adult stem cell therapy and activators are becoming game changers for healing and regaining quality of life. The science has evolved beyond earlier controversial embryonic stem cell technology, and now the all-natural, non-invasive therapies are proving safe and effective for a range of injuries and ailments.
Dr. “Joe” will discuss how stem cell therapy is here in force and reveal miraculous results treating musculoskeletal problems and degenerative illnessess, cancer, MS, heart and lung conditions — and much more.
Dr Joe” has both personal and professional experience with adult stem cell therapy and activators. During the interview he’ll address:
- The significant benefits of adult stem cell therapies compared to traditional medical treatments
- How stem cells are the body’s natural repair crew and what they do to heal the body
- How adult stem cell therapies are administered
- How the “activators” step in when adult stem cells are damaged or dysfunctional
- Who benefits from stem cell treatments — from elite athletes with sports injuries to individuals with lingering pain to individuals with degenerative diseases
Dr. Joseph Christiano, ND, CNC, CNHP, is a naturopathic doctor, certified nutritional counselor and certified nutritional health professional through Trinity College of Natural Health. “Dr. Joe” has spent more than 50 years both personally and professionally in natural health, including: exercise/diet, pain management, anti-aging and stem cell therapies and treatments. He is President and Founder of Body Redesigning by Joseph Christiano®, and best-selling author of Bloodtypes, Bodytypes and YOU, among others. His new book, Stem Cell Revolution, describes how stem cell therapies, treatments and activators are becoming game changers in the world of natural health.
For more information, visit http://www.bodyredesigning.com.
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