Hi, I’m Niara Terela Isley, an artist, writer and certified body-centered life coach. I am also an experiencer and researcher of extraterrestrial phenomenon. Durango Exopolitics will post news of interest and importance to this first open global extraterrestrial contact, as well as explore political action we can all take to urge Congress to investigate and release the technologies that can help us to clean up and preserve our world and usher in a new era– free from a world addicted to oil. SW Colorado Sustainable Affordable Housing blog is my online presence for creating an eco-dome community for those wanting to live in harmony with the Earth, a place where sensitive people can thrive. A Wanderer’s Journal will be a space for me to share my own awakenings and insights about life on Earth as 2012 draws near, the culmination of a major cosmic cycle. Thanks for visiting!
Her Story:
In 1996, a documentary was aired called “Dreamland”, done by Bruce Burgess. I was in that documentary talking about my Air Force experiences revealed under hypnosis. I was really scared to do the interview, but did it hoping that if there were others out there like me, it might help them to know that they weren’t the only ones wondering what the hell had happened to them or why.
I was filmed in silhouette… their pathetic attempt to disguise my identity at my insistence. I had assumed more would be done to disguise my profile and voice, but it wasn’t. Anyone who knew me knew that was me speaking. After this interview and the airing of the documentary, I became even more terrified and refused to do any more interviews. I would have sued Bruce Burgess for violation of agreement to keep my identity secret had it not been for the fact that it would have made my true identity even more public. I just disappeared from the media scene for all practical intents and purposes and tried to get on with some kind of “normal” life. Years later, as this documentary has re-aired from time to time, friends viewing it have mentioned it to me, asking “Was that you in that film?” I affirm that it was, and is.
The following was recalled under hypnosis in 1994. I had been out of the military since 1983. My job while in the military was an auto-track radar specialist. Auto-track radar is a type of surface-to-air missile or anti-aircraft artillery radar. On the Nevada Test Site, this radar was used to train jet pilots to fly against wartime radar to increase their survival chances. The training exercises that auto-track radar was part of, were dramatized in a film starring William Devane, called “Red Flag – The Ultimate Game” released in 1981.
After discovering a 3 month episode of missing time from January to March of 1980 while discussing my military service with a friend, and with the discovery of the missing time experiencing a wave of nausea, I underwent hypnosis to try and find out what happened. What follows is that account.
Years ago in January of 1980, while in the U.S. Air Force, I was placed on a team of auto-track radar operators in the middle of the night to test our surface-to-air missile radar on extraterrestrial space craft (or possibly back-engineered alien reproduction vehicles) at the Tonopah electronic warfare range out on the Nevada Test Site, the huge tract of land within, which lies the infamous Area 51. I and the rest of the crew were given fatigues to wear with no rank insignia and no name tags. We were forbidden to speak to each other beyond what was absolutely necessary to run our radar test. Our radar could not track these craft. I remember standing out that late night on the deck of the radar van and looking up at an extraterrestrial craft (or possibly one of our own that was back-engineered) less than 100 feet away and hovering a close distance above us. It was saucer-shaped and glowing orange on the bottom. I could hear a sound, a hum coming from it that reminded me of the sound that comes from speakers at a rock concert, when they are turned on, but no music was playing through them. I was feeling terrified – I only had a secret level security clearance, and what I was seeing had to be classified way above that. I wasn’t scared of extraterrestrials; I was scared of my human superior officers, feeling a clear and present threat to my safety and well being. There was something ominous about the way they were regarding our crew… not making eye contact, with an air of intimidation hanging over our radar ops team like a blanket.
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