Tonight’s topic on Amerika Now is the aerosol operations more commonly referred to as Chemtrails and current news commentary.
Our guest is A. C. Griffith for the top two hours… Show Archive/Podcast
Hour 1 – Hour 2 – Hour 3 – Hour 4

“Griff’s” talking points:

Block diagram of partial Radio Frequency Mission Planner – Navy RFMP system.
See block on left side with “environmental inputs” to block marked “VTRPE propagation codes.”
The barium mixture chemtrail aerosol supports that “VTRPE propagation codes” block.
That was the original purpose of barium aerosol in the atmosphere.
“Several years ago I’ve got a call from Mike Blair from the “Spotlight” newspaper in Washington, now called “The American Free Press”, he asked me to help work with him on the story about the white trails coming from the airplanes. And time is gone by and I guess this was 8 or 9 years ago.
We actually got inside the program. We were the only people in the world that have actually got inside that program. The aerosol program, the chemtrail program.
I am talking about, actually, getting inside the program at Wright Patterson airforce base where it is been managed. And we actually got into some of the people that were dissatisfied form within the program they divulged. A lot of the acronyms and the purpose of the program and so on, and that is the only way that anybody could ever have broken the secrecy of this program.
We know that people have died over this program. People have been hit, to keep them quiet. And we know that other things have happened at key people of this program. One of the key people that designed the aerosol, the barium salt aerosol, was set-up by the people in Reagan administration, and he is now sitting in the federal penitentiary. They still go to him to ask him questions, but jet he is in the prison.
That is little unnerving, isn’t it? That the man that has designed the barium salt aerosol is sitting in the prison.”
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