‘Colbert Report’ Stirs Up Controversy at DIA: Producers from the “Colbert Report” were at Denver International Airport (DIA) on Friday taping scenes for an upcoming show on conspiracy theories tied to the airport. The theories include that the airport was built by the Illuminati for the New World Order, that its runways form a swastika, that the capstone on the floor contains a secret message, and that there is a guarded secret highway beneath the airport. There are also questions about the murals inside the airport as well as the large red-eyed Mustang statue at the entrance.
Airport officials talked to people from the show ahead of time to make sure the segment would not be bad publicity. However, one DIA administrator, who asked not to be named, said there were indeed aliens working alongside her.
Scientists Say Film ‘Contagion’ Could Be Real: “Contagion” is a Hollywood thriller telling the gripping tale of a fictional global epidemic driven by a new type of virus.. But before the film was out, real-life disease investigators were anxious for a different reason. “It’s very plausible,” said Dr. Thomas Frieden, head of the CDC and Prevention. A new virus jumping from animals to humans is nothing fictional, and has occurred before. Global spread in a few days? Plan on it! CDC officials have embraced the film on many levels, although there are many aspects they shake their heads at, especially in regards to how the CDC would react to such a virus.
Mystifying Nazca ‘Lines’ Discovered in the Middle East: They stretch from Syria to Saudi Arabia, can only be seen from the air and not from the ground, and are virtually unknown to the public. They are the Middle East’s version of the famous Nazca Lines in South America and they number into the thousands. Researchers believe they date at least 2,000 years ago, but as yet, have not discovered what they were used for.
The Bedouin know them as the “works of the old men.”
‘Star Wars’ Tatooine Discovered Orbiting Two Suns: A real-life Tatooine, a circumbinary planet with two suns, popularized in the ‘Star Wars’ Saga, has now been confirmed in space for the first time. The giant planet in orbit around a pair of binary stars that make up the Kepler-16 system, is about 200 light years away.
Once again, science is stranger and cooler than fiction. The planet, dubbed Kepler-16(AB)-b, is somewhat like Saturn in size but is 50% denser, suggesting it is rich in heavy elements. Its orbit is circular and it takes 229 days to orbits its two suns.
Mississippi Man Abducted by Aliens Dies: Charles Hickson, the Mississippi man who claimed he was abducted and probed by aliens while he was fishing with a friend in 1973 and never backed off his story despite ridicule, has died. Hickson was 42 when the incident took place, and he wrote a book about the event called “UFO Contact at Pascagoula” with William Mendez.
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