May 22, 2010 Podcast/Show Archive Hour 1 – Hour 2 – Hour 3 – Hour 4
John-Paul Leonard is the owner of Progressive Press, a publishing company located in Joshua Tree, California. He earned his Bachelor’s in Political Science at UCLA and a Master’s in Finance at the University of California-Berkeley. After a business career took him to Europe (all parts east and west) for 18 years, John-Paul returned to the United States and took over the family business, Tree of Life Publications. During the time between all of these events happening in his life, John was awakened by two key moments that occurred: Al-Aqsa Intifada and 9/11. John will talk on how these events reshaped his life and influenced his course of direction at Progressive Press. He will also speak on life in America as he views it, which he terms “Totalitarian Open Society.”
John hasn’t written a book himself, instead he is publishing a collection of books to track his search for answers about our upside-down world. As the owner of Progressive Press, John publishes books dealing with conspiracy, New World Order, modern history, brainwashing and psychology, biographies and New World Oligarchy, economics, and corporatism. Webster Tarpley, Nick Kollerstrom, Mathias Broeckers, Henry Makow, Jeff Grupp, A. Jones, and Glen Yeadon are just a few of the authors who publish with Progressive Press. Progressive Press also sells DVDs by BBC Director Adam Curtis as well.
For a complete listing of books and DVDs for sale at Progressive Press, you can go to the website: or
P.O. Box 126, Joshua Tree, CA 92252 Tel. (760) 366-3695
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