Doug Copp of American Rescue International
30 January 2010
Podcast/Show Archive: Hour 1 – Hour 2 – Hour 3 – Hour 4
ARTI ‘The worlds most experienced rescue team.’

Considered one of the leading search and rescue experts in the world, Mr. Doug Copp, the Executive Director, founded Earthquake Protection and Rescue of California (EPRC) after the 1985 Mexico City earthquake. For many years they were the only Americans rescuing at world disasters and (EPRC) simply became known as `The American Rescue Team’. The name and is now known worldwide as The American Rescue Team International or ARTI.
Please read through some of the many Letters of Gratitude and Recommendations. The American Rescue Team International has 31,000 associated members in 32 countries. ARTI is the team you see on TV ( at foreign disasters crawling inside of collapsed buildings, saving lives.) As the Rescue Chief and founder of ARTI Doug Copp has worked at, almost, every major disaster, throughout the world, for the last 15 years. The exceptions are disasters occurring simultaneously. Although, Doug instructed, trained and supplied equipment to other disasters while at another disaster.
Doug will share with us his experiences with the recent 7.0 Haiti earthquake. He is with us all four hours as he has quite a story to tell!
Here’s an updated (2010) YouTube video showing The Triangle of Life and Doug Copp’s award-winning videos:
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