Show Archives/Podcast Nov 20, 2010 Hour 1 – Hour 2 – Hour 3 – Hour 4
Our guest for this evening’s show is Phil Catalano. Phil is an aerospace engineer with over 33 years in the aerospace and telecommunications industries, having worked with NASA, JPL, Lockheed Martin, Ball Aerospace, and Raytheon. Phil is also a student/practitioner of Ancient Wisdom and Knowledge for over 35 years. He holds degrees in Engineering, Anthropology, Psychology, and Parapsychology as well as having studied with several ancient mystery schools.
Phil will be discussing many subjects as they are related to current events and activities, including predictions, the Half-Past Human Web Bot Report, the secret government, New World Order/Illuminati, History of the Central Bank in the U.S., Earth changes, UFOs and ETs, and solar system changes and sun activity–all tied together to give the “Big Picture View” of what’s really happening and how you can prepare yourself as well as things we can all do to work toward solutions. This will definitely be a lively discussion and very informative.
Be sure to listen in as Phil presents “The Big Picture View” on Amerika Now.
Please call 1-800-259-5791 to speak with Phil during tonight’s show!
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