Is there a way to predict what may occur in 2014?
As the systems of our world crumble around us, many people are eagerly looking to 2014 for more positive outlooks in everything from the economy and job market to personal finances, health, and careers. Is there a way to glimpse into what the future holds?
Perhaps the way to decode what lies ahead is in the numbers, 2014. Using numerology, a system based on ancient codes found in numbers and letters, renowned master esoteric numerologer Elizabeth Summers says that 2014 will be a year of “great introspection” at all levels. Her prediction is based on 2014 being a “Number Seven” year (2+0+1+4=7). Summers notes that the number seven is associated with introspection, and that 2014 will “be a bit difficult to grapple with, as it is like holding a cloud in one’s hands.”
Summers works by combining two ancient systems, the Pythagorean or Western Numerology and the Chaldean system. Within each of these systems, each number or letter contains specific energy, like a specific communicated code, “sort of like DNA in our bodies” says Summers.
The Pythagorean system uses numbers 1 through 9 and is based on the philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras’ belief that “The world is built upon the power of numbers.” Numerology itself is based upon the broader concept that the entire universe is composed of mathematical patterns, and all things can be expressed as numbers which correspond to universal energies.
The Chaldean system is older than the Pythagorean system, but is less popular because it’s not as easy to use or master. This system was developed by the Chaldeans who once occupied the southern portion of Babylonia. The Chaldeans were known for their contributions to astronomy, mathematics, and the sciences. The Chaldean system uses the numbers 1 through 8 as opposed to the Pythagorean system, which uses 1 through 9.
Using both of these systems, Summers says she is able to view the bigger picture for 2014 as well as what 2014 holds for each of us as individuals. The Chaldean system “splits an individual’s influences and spiritual aspects into two areas, the inner self and the outer self” while the Pythagorean system “provides more human and psychological information.”
“As a consequence, all things, including names, words, birth dates and birthplaces, are able to be reduced to numbers in order to determine personalities, destinies, and fortunes,” says Summers. And while numbers cannot cause certain characteristics or particular things to happen or not, there does appear to be “some hidden connection between all things, which Carl Jung called synchronicity.”
Because of the “unusual energy of 2014” and the need for introspection, Summers says we will need to pay close attention to certain key words throughout the year, including “choice, discernment, silence, spirituality, and ethics,” using them as guideposts. They will play an important role not only in government and big business, but in our daily lives as well.
Summers believes the “pressures of everyday life will bring forth a desire to get away from it all and the best place for that will be nature.” As a result, environmental protection will become a more popular issue once again. This change in sentiment is already being witnessed in the outpouring of concerns over such issues as hydraulic fracturing, aka, fracking. But with a “return to nature,” Summers cautions, there is also a possible downside.
The call for contemplation may cause many people to withdraw, thus causing personal relationships to suffer. According to Summers, the divorce rate may increase in 2014, as couples may find themselves wanting to spend more time alone with less in common, withdrawing emotionally and sexually.
On a brighter note, Summers sees a continuing movement towards more holistic approaches to health and well-being. This movement will place more emphasis on eating healthier organic foods, as the number seven has “a strong instinct for purity of health through foods.”
One of the more important aspects of what’s to come in 2014 involves the issue of discernment. “More will be revealed as to the ethics (or lack thereof) of our elected officials,” says Summers. She believes there will be a concerted effort to remove those who have betrayed the public’s trust, and that “the populace will begin to understand that they should no longer give their power away to others.”
Given 2014 will be a year of introspection and “personal regrouping,” learning to trust and accept your own inner guidance will be essential. Shakespeare’s “To thine own self be true” will ring true throughout 2014.
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